Netflix has renewed its deal to carry Universal Pictures' raft of animated feature hits, which includes releases from powerhouse studios DreamWorks Animation (Shrek, Kung...
Several years after announcing its star-studded menagerie of voice actors, Unified Pictures' The Ark and the Aardvark has kicked off production with newly announced partner...
Italy's Rainbow Studios, known for the global hit Winx Club franchise, announces the upcoming release of the new animated series Mermaid Magic, coming to...
Viva Pictures announces its acquisition of Scarygirl, an animated feature film based on the widely celebrated graphic novel, toys and game brand. The quirky...
Today, Universal Destinations & Experiences, a unit of Comcast NBCUniversal, reveals more details about Super Nintendo World, coming to Universal Epic Universe in 2025....
Kung Fu Panda 4, the latest adventure for DreamWorks Animation's voracious hero Po, has reached $503.5 million at the global box office ($318.5M from international...
The latest DreamWorks Animation franchise sequel, Kung Fu Panda 4, is enjoying a warm welcome back from audiences at home and abroad. Following its launch...
With this month’s entry into the beloved franchise with Kung Fu Panda 4, the team at DreamWorks Animation paralleled the historical development of kung...
DreamWorks Animation and Universal Pictures have released the official trailer for Kung Fu Panda 4 -- the latest installment in the blockbuster martial arts action-comedy...
Warner Bros. Motion Picture Group has tapped animation veteran Bill Damaschke to lead its feature animation operations as President of the newly rebranded Warner...
This month, we had the great pleasure of checking in with Bradley Zweig, the talented exec producer/writer of the Nickelodeon’s new PAW Patrol spinoff...
Highly Spirited in partnership with Like A Photon Creative (LAPC) and Screen Queensland has announced the lineup of Aussia screen royalty set to star...
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