During Paramount Pictures' buzzy and busy CinemaCon presentation, the studio announced the star-powered voice cast behind its upcoming fully-animated The Smurfs movie, slated to hit...
Paramount Pictures is tripling down on its hit big screen treatment of the iconic video game hero, revealing a December 20, 2024 release date for Sonic...
Chris Miller (Shrek the Third, Puss in Boots) is attached to direct Paramount Animation and Nickelodeon Animation’s Untitled Smurfs Animated Musical. Like it says...
Nickelodeon Animation and Paramount Pictures have formed a creative partnership with LAFIG Belgium and IMPS to produce multiple feature films based on The Smurfs,...
DreamWorks Animation announced that a fourth season of the hit series Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous will return to Netflix on December 3. The news...
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