Cosm Studios announced an exclusive agreement with Baobab Studios to distribute Erick Oh’s acclaimed animated short, Namoo, to planetariums and fulldome theaters around the...
WarnerMedia OneFifty has acquired the 94th Academy Awards shortlisted animated short Namoo, to be released on the HBO Max streaming platform on this Thursday,...
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences revealed its shortlists for the 94th Academy Awards on December 21, expanding the lineup of Animated Short...
Disney Branded Television is in development with nine-time Emmy Award-winning international animation studio Baobab Studios on The Witchverse, an all-new animated anthology series based...
Nine-time Emmy Award-winning immersive animation producer Baobab Studios (Baba Yaga, has unveiled the official trailer for Namoo -- the latest project from Oscar-nominated writer...
***This article originally appeared in the August '21 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 312)***
With the SIGGRAPH confab underway August 9-13, we thought it would...
Enter a dark, mysterious forest world on a magical quest in Baba Yaga -- the brand-new immersive experience from six-time Emmy-winning Baobab Studios (Crow:...
VIEW Conference accelerates into 2021 with a trio of exclusive PreVIEW events. Free to attend, each session features online conversation with a team of...
Baobab Studios, the independent interactive animation production company, announced today its latest project: Namoo, a virtual reality experience written and directed by acclaimed Korean...
In celebration of its 21st anniversary, Italy’s premiere digital media even VIEW Conference brings together no less than 160 world-class filmmakers, producers, studio executives,...
Baobab Studios announces acclaimed actors Kate Winslet (Oscar winner for The Reader; upcoming Ammonite), Jennifer Hudson (Oscar winner for Dreamgirls; upcoming Aretha Franklin biopic...
Organizers of the first all-online Annecy festival have announced stellar additions to the 2020 virtual program, with major names in international animation joining the...
It’s a big day for Baobab Studios as the Annie Award-winning virtual reality animation studio reveals its first trailer, innovative interactive narrative systems and...
The 45th SIGGRAPH computer graphics conference (August 12-16 in Vancouver, BC) has revealed details of this year’s Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality program. Featuring...
Leading immersive animation shop Baobab Studios today debuted its highly anticipated VR film ASTEROIDS! The short features Ingrid Nilsen as the voice of Peas...
Italy’s VIEW Conference on VFX, computer graphics, digital media, games and VR has further padded its speakers lineup for the 18th annual edition, taking...
Registration is now open for the 2017 VIEW Conference ( -- Italy's premiere computer graphics, digital media and games confab. The 18th edition will...
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