Sentient robots in disguise are stomping into theaters this fall with Transformers One. Billed as the first all-CG-animated Transformers movie, the Paramount release tells...
Something's coming…
Autobot fans are preparing to boot up a brand-new, fully-animated adventure on the big screen when Transformers One blasts into theaters on September...
Today, during the Annecy International Animation Film Festival, Disney Branded Television (DBT) announced a lineup of new animated projects and shared first looks from...
The first trailer for Paramount’s much-anticipated Transformers One was released in space early Thursday morning. The launch kicked off at 6 a.m. PT with a live-streamed...
Paramount Pictures announced today that the first trailer for Transformers One is debuting with true Cybertronian flair, in Space! The first fully-animated Transformers movie to...
During Paramount Pictures' buzzy and busy CinemaCon presentation, the studio announced the star-powered voice cast behind its upcoming fully-animated The Smurfs movie, slated to hit...
Emmy-nominated animated series Marvel's Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur is ready to bring more girl genius super hero action to screens for Season 2, premiering...
Season 2 of Disney Branded Television’s Emmy Award-nominated Marvel’s Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur is set to debut Friday, February 2 (8 p.m. EST), on...
The National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (NATAS) today announced the nominations for the 2nd Annual Children’s & Family Emmy Awards. In the...
Disney Branded Television has unveiled an addition to the rogue's gallery of nefarious super villains plaguing New York City in Marvel's Moon Girl and...
Hasbro's beloved robots in disguise are returning for a new fully-animated big screen adventure next year in Transformers One, from the toy brand's entertainment division...
Disney Branded Television has opened the doors to Lunella's secret lab with the reveal of the official trailer for Marvel's Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur!...
Following the unveiling of the official opening sequence and Season 2 order during New York Comic Con last month, Disney Branded Television is treating...
A multitalented lineup of guests and recurring stars are lending their voices to Marvel's Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, the highly anticipated series from...
Three-time Grammy winner Raphael Saadiq has been named executive music producer for Marvel's Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, the highly anticipated animated series following...
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