Warner Animation Group has appointed two senior-level creative executives to shepherd its upcoming feature animation and live-action hybrid production and development slate. Veteran producer...
Thunderbird Entertainment announces that its animation studio, Atomic Cartoons (Beat Bugs, Little Charmers, Rocket Monkeys), has optioned the TV adaptation rights to Max Brallier's...
LIMA has released its bi-annual Kidz Global Study, providing a snapshot of children's favorite brands and characters across more than 40 countries. Calculated from...
Canadian digital entertainment studio Frima has brought on videogame industry veteran Martin Carrier as its new President & Chief Executive Officer. The announcement was...
Global kids brand Cartoon Network has announced a well-plotted slate of content for the 2017-18 upfront season designed to offer fans something new every...
Production company Not To Scale has signed on to its roster multidisciplinary director Drew Lightfoot for representation in the US, UK and Europe. The...
CALL FOR ENTRIES: LatAm Animation Projects for Ideatoon 2017
Pixelatl has opened its call for new projects from Latin American creators for this year's Ideatoon....
Thunderbird announces the appointment of Matthew Berkowitz as Head of Development at subsidiary Atomic Cartoons. The former Arc Productions exec has been brought onboard...
Bit Films, an award-winning independent animation studio based in Northampton, Massachusetts, has released an online teaser for its new episodic action-adventure series The New...
Ottawa Animation Festival 40th Anniversary Look-Back: ‘Two Sisters’
Experimental animator Kelly Gallagher (Pen Up the Pigs) discusses the meaning and impact of Caroline Leaf’s award-winning...
Home Where Walt Disney Started His First Animation Studio Is Set for Demolition
The Los Feliz bungalow where some of animation history’s most enduring characters...
E3 2016: Batman: The Telltale Series' First Screens, Cast Revealed
Developer promises "a living, breathing comic book" featuring the voices of Troy Baker as Bruce...
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