Today, Apple TV+ today released the trailer for Season 2 of the DreamWorks Animation series Curses!, premiering globally on Friday, October 4. The CG-animated...
Apple TV+ today released the trailer for the new animated, spooky adventure series for kids from DreamWorks Animation, Curses!, premiering just in time for Halloween...
Apple TV+ today announced a fun-filled autumn slate of all-new kids and family programming, featuring both CG and stop-motion animation offerings, including brand new...
The Animation Magazine 250th issue celebration continues, this time with our list of creative to watch.
They are:
Cam Baity — animator, show creator, author
Kelli Bixler...
Production has begun on Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy, an upcoming animated-television series for Disney XD, featuring the hugely popular characters introduced in the...
Brain Zoo Studios and Marvel Television collaborated for the first time on the new direct to DVD/Blu-ray animated feature, Marvel's Iron Man & Hulk:...
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