In celebration of the 35th anniversary of its release, the world-renowned 1986 animated feature film The Transformers: The Movie returns to U.S. movie theaters...
Hasbro confirmed during its annual Investor Day announcements that its ever popular Transformers property will get an animated feature makeover, produced by its Dublin...
Shout! Factory and Hasbro Studios have formed a strategic distribution collaboration to bring animated icon Transformers - The Movie to the home entertainment marketplace...
The folks at Sony Pictures Home Entertainment have released an exclusive clip from their new DVD / Blu-ray release, Triggerfish Animation Studio's animal epic...
The animated feature Adventures in Zambezia has grossed an estimated $18 million worldwide, making it the highest grossing South African film over the past 30...
Sony Home Ent. will release Triggerfish Animation Studios’ Annie Award-nominated feature Adventures in Zambezia in the U.S. on March 26. The CG-animated series centers...
The South African studio ups the ante in 2013 with Zambezia and Khumba, two new CG-animated features that have generated great buzz globally.
Last year,...
Samuel L. Jackson, Leonard Nimoy, Jeff Goldblum and Abigail Breslin have joined the voice cast for Triggerfish Animation Studios’ upcoming CG-animated feature Zambezia 3D....
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