Animation Magazine is proud to announce the recipients of this year’s Hall of Fame Awards. The distinguished honorees will receive their awards at The World Animation Summit’s...
Lil Critter Workshop (LCW) has made two key moves to expand its global business this week, launching Lil Critter Digital -- a digital-first animation...
Acclaimed Malaysian animation house Lil Critter Workshop (LCW) is expanding its global footprint, setting up an animation studio in the U.K. Based in Bristol,...
Scribble Studios and Lil Critter Workshop announced that they are recipients of an Epic MegaGrant from Epic Games. The support provided by the MegaGrant...
Producers, distributors and broadcasters from all over the world once again descended on Seoul, South Korea for the 2019 Asian Animation Summit. As is...
Twenty-five animation concepts have been selected for the 2019 Asian Animation Summit showcase this month. Representing the very best kids animated TV development work...
Madrid-based kids and family content distribution leader Imira Entertainment announces a raft of key sales deals in Latin America and the US as well...
The 2017 Asian Animation Summit will be presenting 27 fresh animation concepts from creative houses across Asia-Pacific late this year, as the event returns...
Spain-based Imira has announced the closing of a number of distribution deals in advance of this week's MIFA at Annecy.
Imira has closed with Netflix...
Madrid-based Imira Entertainment has strengthened its catalogue of premium kids’ content ahead of the MIP Cancun confab, adding eight new series and over 250...
Malaysian animation studios have been busy of late, with the nation announcing five deals at MIPCOM, while Imira Entertainment secured rights to Russia-based Mirsand...
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