The nominations for this year’s BAFTA Film Awards were announced earlier today. Only four animated features will be competing for the BAFTA Film Awards...
Animation Is Film (AIF), whose mission is to champion animation as a cinematic artform on par with live action, has unveiled its competition line-up, special...
Criterion has announced its first collaboration with Disney and Pixar Animation Studios, which will bring the beloved 2008 animated feature WALL•E into the Criterion...
Pixar Animation Studios announced the promotion of the producer and director of its latest animated feature hit, Turning Red, to the studio's development and...
Disney+ released a trailer and poster this morning celebrating Embrace the Panda: Making Turning Red, a feature documentary about the all-woman team at the...
The Miami Media and Film Market and Film London will co-host a special live animation webinar, “Get Animated in 2022!” featuring a special introduction...
Disney Media & Entertainment Distribution announced that Disney and Pixar’s Turning Red will premiere exclusively in homes worldwide on Disney+ on Friday, March 11....
Check out the new trailer and poster showcasing the upcoming all-new, "larger-than-life" original feature film Turning Red, from Pixar Animation Studios' director Domee Shi,...
***These articles originally ran in the August '20 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 302)***
A New Benchmark in LGBTQ Visibility
Steven Clay Hunter’s well-received short Out...
Pixar Animation Studios has brought its “Experimental Storytelling Initiative” into the limelight with the official reveal of SparkShorts -- an intriguing spin on in-house...
Oh, jeez. Ellen DeGeneres' "EllenTube" premiered the latest trailer for Disney-Pixar's Finding Dory, and it's clear that the masters of CG emotional manipulation are...
The 2016 Annecy International Animation Film Festival, taking place June 13-18, will on the 17th hold the prize-giving ceremony for the fourth edition of...
After the brutal experience of directing the live-action flop John Carter, Andrew Stanton will return to the more reliable world of animation by directing...
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