Over the past 12 months, we lost many talented, brilliant women and men who devoted their lives to creating animated and VFX-driven projects through...
Nickelodeon’s fantastic new series The Barbarian and the Troll has captured the hearts of fantasy lovers, puppet fanatics and connoisseurs of fine warrior princess...
ASIFA-Hollywood announced today its selection of Juried Awards recipients for the 48th Annual Annie Awards. The Juried Awards honor career achievement and exceptional contributions...
Disney+ announced today that the original documentary film Howard will premiere exclusively on the service on Friday, August 7. The film, which first premiered...
Skydance Animation announced Wednesday that legendary composer Alan Menken, known for his award-winning work on animated favorites The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast,...
A special musical treat is in store for attendees of this year's D23 Expo—the premiere Disney fan event—as two celebrated songwriters and composers take...
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