The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences today announced feature films eligible for consideration in the Animated Feature Film, Documentary Feature Film and...
Director Kristina Dufková’s charming stop-motion and 2D-animated feature Living Large has quickly become one of the popular underdog projects of the year. After winning...
The European Film Academy has revealed the nominees for European Animated Feature Film this year. As previously announced, the Academy in its aims to...
Organizers of the 2024 Annecy International Animated Film Festival presented their customary Paris press conference today, during which Artistic Director Marcel Jean some of...
Global animation veterans look forward to the annual Cartoon Movie event in Bordeaux, France, as much as they anticipate the arrival of spring. This...
Cartoon Movie, the co-production and pitching event for European animated feature films, has revealed the 55 projects selected to participate in the next edition, taking...
After two full days of colorful and energetic presentations in Bordeaux, Cartoon Movie is ready to wrap up. The animated feature co-production confab today...
The Council of Europe’s Eurimages Fund and Cartoon have joined forces once again to determine this year's winner of the Eurimages Co-production Development Award....
Following deliberation over 144 submitted projects by the Selection Committee, Cartoon Movie 2022 has slated 57 animated feature projects to participate in the spring...
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