Mamoru Hosoda's Belle has earned over $3 million according to theater reports, following its second week in theaters. Distributed by GKIDS, the critically acclaimed film...
For fans seeking a mind-bending new animated world to explore, GKIDS has got you covered. The North American indie distributor has released the opening...
Sundance- and Annecy Cristal-winning animated documentary Flee is now accessible to watch worldwide on The Animation Showcase, the industry-only streaming platform, along with most of...
Apple Original Film Wolfwalkers will be rereleased in theaters by North American theatrical distributor GKIDS, starting with a New York theatrical run at the...
The Los Angeles Film Critics Association (LAFCA) announced Sunday that Japanese entry Your Name. was selected as Best Animated Film for 2016. The critically...
The film critics are weighing in and giving awards season momentum to Anomalisa and Pixar's Inside Out.
The Los Angeles Film Critics Association gave Anomalisa...
The Oscar-nominated animated feature Ernest & Celestine will be released in both the original French-language and an English dub versions Feb. 28 at the...
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