Walt Disney Animation Studios' Encanto has been awarded the Golden Globe for Best Motion Picture, Animated, as the year's most acclaimed toons advance one more...
Disney Media & Entertainment Distribution announced that Disney and Pixar’s Turning Red will premiere exclusively in homes worldwide on Disney+ on Friday, March 11....
ASIFA-Hollywood announced nominations today for its 49th Annual Annie Awards, recognizing the year’s best in the field of animation. The ceremony will return live...
The Critics Choice Association (CCA) ) announced today the film category nominees for the 27th Annual Critics Choice Awards. The winners will be revealed...
Five Animated Features Nominated for Golden Globes
The 2022 Golden Globes have been cut from NBC's screening schedule, but the Hollywood Foreign Press Association is...
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences today announced feature films eligible for consideration in the Animated Feature Film, Documentary Feature and International...
Animation Is Film (AIF) announced the winners of its fourth annual film festival today with the feature film Flee (Denmark), written and directed by...
***This article originally appeared in the November '21 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 314)***
For months, we’ve all been waiting for animation events and festivals...
Italy's premiere animation, VFX and computer graphics gathering VIEW Conference has unveiled its full program of events for this year's 22nd edition.
VIEW Conference 2021...
Alison Mann, formerly Vice President of Creative Strategy for Sony Pictures Animation and co-founder/CEO of BRIC Foundation, is launching a new animation production company...
Those who haven't gotten on the Disney+ wagon (or, shall we say, Vespa) can enjoy Pixar's gorgeous, lighthearted Italian Riviera vacation-on-screen this month —...
Animation Is Film (AIF) announced today the competition line-up and other special events for its fourth edition, which takes place in-person October 22-24 and...
Batman: The Long Halloween
A brutal murder on Halloween prompts the Batman (Jensen Ackles) to team up with Gotham's only honest lawmen, Cpt. Gordon (Billy...
All Personnel, Condition One. Battle Stations. Countdown Start.
GKIDS has launched a countdown page promising big news about an "Ultimate Edition" of Neon Genesis Evangelion...
VIEW Conference has unveiled the first group of speakers confirmed for this year's event. The 22nd edition of Italy's premiere animation, VFX and computer...
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