Disney today unveiled the trailer and new key art for the second season of Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures, Lucasfilm’s original animated series aimed...
Following the season premiere date announcement as part of Disney TV Animation's slate presentation at Annecy, fans of Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures learned today...
Today, during the Annecy International Animation Film Festival, Disney Branded Television (DBT) announced a lineup of new animated projects and shared first looks from...
WIA (Women in Animation) has announced the lineup for this year’s WIA World Summit at the Annecy International Animation Festival and Mifa 2024. This...
History will be ... rebuilt!
The May the Fourth festivities aren't quite over yet: Today, Disney+ unveiled the teaser trailer and poster for the “four-piece”...
For the first time, global technology and software company Autodesk has teamed up with Disney and Lucasfilm to launch a month-long contest for people...
Ahead of CinemaCon next week, The Walt Disney Studios have announced several major franchise feature releases for 2026. The entertainment giant's full upcoming film...
Today, Disney+ released the trailer, key art and trailer stills for Lucasfilm’s upcoming original animated series Star Wars: Tales of the Empire. The second...
Beginning February 2, fans will be able to experience Disney, Pixar, Marvel and Lucasfilm stories like never before with Disney+ on Apple Vision Pro. Apple’s...
Today, Disney-owned Lucasfilm and Industrial Light & Magic announced that its is closing Lucasfilm Animation Singapore -- the animation and VFX support studio set...
Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures Season 1 continues the Force-fueled fun this summer: Six all-new episodes will debut on Disney+ and Disney Junior beginning...
With its makers untethered by canonical restrictions, Lucasfilm and Disney+’s exhilarating anthology series Star Wars: Visions is back for a second season of bite-sized...
On May 4, Disney+ and Disney Junior will premiere the original animated series, Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures in celebration of Star Wars Day. Set during...
Disney+, Disney Junior and Lucasfilm today announced that Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures will premiere on Disney+ and Disney Junior on May 4 (Star...
Today, Disney+ and Lucasfilm announced that the second volume of the animated anthology series Star Wars: Visions will premiere exclusively on Disney+ on May 4,...
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