Popular interactive story app Weirdwood Manor has been adapted into an animated movie for the first time, titled Shadowrail Circus, now in production in...
Industry veteran Luke Carroll, producer of Netflix's animated hit The Willoughbys is joining Relish Interactive in the newly created role of SVP, Animation. Carroll...
Bron Animation’s CG-animated feature Henchmen is making its pay-per-view and digital debut in the U.S. on October 9. The action comedy is directed by...
***This article originally appeared in the April '20 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 299)***
The eccentric family at the center of Lois Lowry’s 2008 book...
Canada’s Bron Animation has enlisted the talents of comedy stars Maya Rudolph, Terry Crews, Martin Short, Jane Krakowski and veteran voice actor Sean Cullen...
Canadian studio Bron Animation has signed on Emmy- and Golden Globe-winning series creator, writer and actor Ricky Gervais (Special Correspondents, The Office, Derek) to...
Bron Animation has picked up animated film rights to popular children's book The Willoughbys, from Newbery Award-winning author Lois Lowry. Published in 2010, the...
Following the recent reorganization of Brone Media Corp., Brenda Gilbert has been appointed President of Bron Animation, expanding on her responsibilities on the Bron...
Canadian production house Bron Studios has revealed the prime talent it has procured to voice its first-ever animated feature, Henchmen. The film will star...
Canadian CG house Rainmaker Entertainment’s short Luna came out on top at the California International Shorts Festival (CISF), picking up its first major festival...
The Weinstein Company and Canada’s Rainmaker Entertainment announced today that the voice cast of their 2012 animated movie Escape from Planet Earth will include Brendan...
Rainmaker Entertainment's just-completed animated short film Luna has been chosen to screen at the Electronic Theater at the upcoming SIGGRAPH Computer Animation Festival set...
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