Gaumont, the world's first film company, has announced the promotion of Sebastien Rossi to Creative Director of Gaumont's Animation, Kids & Family division. He...
WarnerMedia’s Rooster Teeth Studios announced development on a new animated series for HBO Max: Slam!, based on the critically-acclaimed BOOM! Studios graphic novels created...
The get-'er-done gals of Eisner Award-winning comic-book series Lumberjanes will make their animation debut in a new show currently in development for HBO Max....
Netflix has entered into a first-look deal for live-action and animated series with BOOM! Studios, the publisher behind best-selling, Eisner Award-winning and fan-beloved comic-book...
More fantastical, ‘80s-inspired adventure is coming to Netflix streaming this spring as DreamWorks Animation Television announced over social media Thursday that Season 2 of...
Fans of classic 1980s Saturday morning cartoons and strong female protagonists have been patiently counting the days until DreamWorks Animation Television’s new reboot of...
DreamWorks She-Ra and the Princesses of Power has arrived! To whet your appetite, new clips have been released, revealing more of Adora’s incredible world...
DreamWorks Animation and Netflix’s highly anticipated new version of She-Ra and the Princesses of Power won over many die-hard fans today during a packed...
DreamWorks Animation Television has lined up a double helping of can’t-miss panels for New York Comic Con 2018, with exec producers and voice talent...
Four fantastic first-look images have been revealed by DreamWorks Animation Television and Netflix for the upcoming reboot She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, arriving...
A new, terribly relatable original graphic novel about one woman’s quest to fulfill her animation career dreams will be hitting shelves in December, when...
Next year is going to be another banner year for animation on streaming, with Netflix and DreamWorks Animation Television continuing their partnership to present...
Saga, Lumberjanes and various incarnations of Winsor McCay's Little Nemo were the top honorees at the 2015 Will Eisner Comic Industry Awards, presented July...
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