U.K's Channel 4 has commissioned an animated special based on the popular illustrated children's book We're Going on a Bear Hunt, written by Michael...
Toon Boom Animation has officially recognized Arts University Bournemouth (AUB) as its first U.K. Centre of Excellence. Toon Boom Centres of Excellence (COE) are...
U.K.-based Cloth Cat Animation is now the largest single installation of CelAction2D software in the world, snapping up 100 licenses for its Cardiff studio....
Lupus Films will produce a second series of The Hive, its popular CGI animated children's television series, through SPV The Hive Enterprises.
The second series...
The British Animation Awards have revealed their honorees for the 2014 awards ceremony, which took place today at the British Film Institute's Southbank, London...
The European animated TV co-production event Cartoon Forum has announced the 70 titles selected for its 23rd edition. The forum, which takes place Sept....
Aardman Rights, the distribution arm of the Bristol-based animation powerhouse, has partnered with the U.K.’s Channel 4 as international TV distributor for the brand...
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