Hulu Originals has appointed Kelci Parker to the newly created position of Vice President, Animation, to support continued efforts to expand the streamer's adult animation offerings. Parker...
Jordan Blum and Patton Oswalt's adult stop-mo comedy M.O.D.O.K. has been canceled by Hulu after one season, Deadline reports. The irreverent supervillain series was...
FOX has ordered the all-new animated sleuth comedy Grimsburg, starring and executive produced by Emmy Award winner Jon Hamm (Mad Men, Top Gun: Maverick),...
Another 10 episodes of bingeable mayhem is heading to Hulu, with Season 2 of original stop-motion adult comedy series Crossing Swords premiering December 10....
As evidenced by recent viewing trends, Hulu viewers love adult animation. During the past year, over half of Hulu subscribers have watched content from...
During the Television Critics Association’s Winter Press Tour Thursday, Hulu presented the company’s lineup of upcoming original programming including the new adult animation series...
Stoopid Buddy Stoodios, the studio founded by Seth Green, John Harvatine IV, Matthew Senreich and Eric Towner, announced that Jasmine Johnson has been appointed...
A jam-packed virtual comics, entertainment and pop culture smorgasbord was laid out for fan communities of all descriptions during NYCC X MCM Metaverse (
Having recently set the voice cast for M.O.D.O.K., Marvel Television has confirmed that two of its planned four adult-targeted animated series for Hulu have...
As the Disney-owned Marvel brand continues to expand, reports that a new animation project is in the works with Emmy Award-winning studio Floyd...
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