In July, Heroic Signatures announced that the company is in production on its first animated feature film for its popular franchise, Mutant Year Zero. Based...
Netflix and Skydance are programming a new anime series based on the globally successful Terminator franchise -- the infamous android's first TV animation adaptation....
’Hotel Transylvania 3’ Checks in with $1.3M from Amazon Prime Sneak Previews
Sony Pictures Animation and Amazon played their early release partnership to the tune...
RTX Animation Festival returns to Austin, TX, running alongside the 2018 Rooster Teeth Expo. This year's lineup features exclusive screenings, panels and special guests...
Hasbro and Machinima (a division of Warner Bros. Digital Networks) announced that the third and final chapter of the Transformers: Prime Wars Trilogy -...
Warner Bros. Television Group has promoted creative executive Peter Girardi to the post of Executive Vice President of its digital studio Blue Ribbon Content,...
The second annual Machinima Interactive Film Festival (MIFF), coming to L.A. November 22-24, will offer a unique video art installation aiming to highlight the...
Internet animation powerhouse Machinima has launched a new fan-fiction series titled Happy Hour Tales. The first episode of the toon kicked off on Sunday...
L.A.-based digital company Machinima, which was acquired by Allen DeBevoise in 2005, has launched two non-gaming related animated series on YouTube. The two projects—Space...
Universal Cable Productions and the much lauded producing team behind hit sci-fi series Battlestar Galactica will offer home audiences a new franchise spin-off feature...
Russia’s iPi Soft, developers of advanced markerless motion-capture software technology, are planning a big (virtual) presence at this week’s 2012 Machinima Expo (Nov. 16-18)—the...
Director John Woo (Mission: Impossible 2, Face-Off) has launched a new animated web series in association with Liquid Comics and Tiger Hill Entertainment, according...
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