Following its intriguing Work in Progress session at Annecy, Netflix has offered up a sneak peek at the animation of its upcoming videogame-based, Fleischer-inspired...
***This article originally appeared in the April ‘19 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 289)***
Fans of witty, beautifully drawn animated shows for grown-ups will soon...
This Artist Has Reimagined Classic Cartoons with Black Characters and It’s Everything
Philadelphia-based Tyron Handy is injecting some representation into old favorites like Rugrats, Hey...
Nickelodeon will be developing a new animated project working-titled Man of the House, from Norman Lear’s ACT III Productions. Conceived by Colombian-American writer and...
Nickelodeon Animation has made two major promotions for its Stateside operations, SVP of current series Rich Magallanes announced today. Megan Casey, executive in charge...
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