Pakistan’s first hand-drawn animated feature The Glassworker has released its first official trailer. Directed by Usman Riaz, the anime-influenced movie will screen at the...
Emmy award-winning Indian producer Apoorva Bakshi (Delhi Crime) has joined the team behind The Glassworker, Pakistan’s first animated feature, as an executive producer. Deadline...
A growing strand of Annecy Festival is the “works in progress” section, where the projects of tomorrow — features, series, shorts, extended-reality experiences —...
Manuel Cristóbal — the celebrated Spanish producer behind award-winning, artful animated features Buñuel in the Labyrinth of the Turtles (Annecy Cristal, 2019) and Wrinkles...
***This article originally ran in the February ‘20 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 297)***
This month, Amsterdam-based animation studio Submarine is celebrating its 20th anniversary...
Over 7,000 industry professionals from more than 70 countries are expected to gather in Santa Monica, California for the annual American Film Market (Nov....
Ahead of the Toronto Int’l Film Festival, U.K.-based international sales rep SC Films has announced that animated Spain-China co-pro Dragonkeeper has found its voice...
With his surreal, poetic and historically inspired animated feature set for a limited U.S. release this summer, Spanish director Salvador Simó sat down for...
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has issued membership invitations to 842 filmmakers, craftspeople and creatives for 2019. Among them are 21...
While the general public doesn’t think of the Cannes Film Festival (May 14-25) as the prime spot for premiering animated projects, this auteur-driven event...
The international animated feature film co-production forum Cartoon Movie will hold its 21st edition March 5-7, returning to Bordeaux in France’s Nouvelle-Aquitaine region for...
Animation producer-distributor GKIDS has snapped up North American distribution rights to Spanish feature film Buñuel in the Labyrinth of the Turtles. GKIDS will release...
Eleven animation TV series and feature films projects from Latin-America, Spain, Italy and Philippines have been selected to participate in the 4th international Bridging...
Last week, over 900 international animation producers, directors, distributors, sales agents from 41 different countries gathered in Bordeaux for the 20th edition of the...
The Ibero-American Animation Quirino Awards have announced the finalists in nine categories for its inaugural edition, taking place April 6-7 on the Spanish island...
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