One of the most-anticipated animation books of the year is Somewhere Out There: My Animated Life, a wonderful new memoir by beloved American director...
Dallas-based Heritage Auctions saw a world of interest in its first sale devoted solely to the wonderful world of Disney. The three-day auction, featuring...
The traditionally animated Disney classic Sleeping Beauty was the sole representative of toon history to make this year’s list of National Film Registry inductees,...
The largest collection of original, hand-drawn, vintage Disney animation art ever offered in a single auction will cross the block November 27 in Heritage...
Disney XD and Walt Disney Imagineering have teamed up with renowned stop-motion house Stoopid Buddy Stoodios for four uniquely Halloweeny spot that send favorite...
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences invites the community to “Be Our Guest” to its 25th anniversary celebration of Disney Animation classic...
A new panel featuring Pixar helmer Pete Docter (Up), Eric and Susan Goldberg, Mark Giaimo and Daisuke "Dice" Tsutsumi will explore the lasting legacy...
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