Comedy Central has put in an order with executive producers Bento Box Entertainment for 10 episodes of its original, urban coming-of-age animated tale Legends...
Corus Entertainment is partnering with Bento Box Entertainment on a multi-year co-development and production deal to create a slate of original series for TELETOON's...
Comedy Central has given the OK to Bento Box Entertainment's animated comedy Legends, according to This is the first original series pick-up since...
Burbank-based animation studio Bento Box Entertainment, which is best known for producing the animation for FOX TV’s Bob's Burgers and Comedy Central’s Brickleberry, is...
Toon Boom Animation and Bento Box Entertainment have created an exclusive and state-of-the-art digital animation production pipeline uniquely designed for Bento Box’s production on...
Burbank-based animation studio Bento Box Entertainment has launched Bento Box Interactive, a new venture that specializes in the creation of distribution of digitally enhanced...
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