Steve Borst and Gary "Doodles" Di Raffaele, co-creators of Nickelodeon's Breadwinners; DreamWorks Animation's head of TV development Peter Gal; Blue's Clues creator and Yummico...
Brain Zoo Studios and Marvel Television collaborated for the first time on the new direct to DVD/Blu-ray animated feature, Marvel's Iron Man & Hulk:...
Animation Magazine’s 12th Annual Pitch Party is on and you can now click here:
to view all of this year’s entries and vote for your...
Animag’s 12th annual Pitch Party Contest has only a few pitch slots open for the 2013 competition, so aspiring series creators and brilliant toonsters...
Animag is ramping up for the 2013 edition of our annual Pitch Party contest -- the online/print pitching competition that puts your animated project...
Disney XD announced that it will premiere two highly anticipated animated series on the Marvel Universe programming block, Marvel's Avengers Assemble and Hulk and...
The Hub is about to be invaded by pint-size superheroes, having acquired the hit animated series The Super Hero Squad Show from Marvel Animation.
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