The competition lineup of the third annual Animation Is Film Festival has been revealed, with 10 internationally acclaimed animated features set to screen at...
Back in May, Shout! Factory and GKIDS announced several intriguing anime pick-ups. Now, news arrives that Studio 4°C’s animated anthology films Genius Party and...
GKIDS is bringing more animated magic from maverick Japanese director Masaaki Yuasa to North American screens, having picked up distribution rights to his latest...
***This territory focus originally appeared in the June/July '19 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 291)***
Japan is arguably the world's most mature market for animation,...
Nothing says animation festival season is officially upon us like the arrival of the biggest event of the year, the glorious Annecy International Animated...
The 2019 Annecy Festival (June 10-15, has posted its feature film selections for both the prestigious festival competition and a diverse and entertaining...
Super-popular anime brand Crunchyroll has crowned the winners of the third annual Anime Awards, presented by Devil May Cry 5. The event celebrates the...
Anime distributor ELEVEN ARTS has released its English-subtitled official U.S. trailer for Japan Academy Prize-nominated feature Penguin Highway, revealing that screenings in select Stateside...
Titmouse Trailers Next Batch of ‘Tongue and Pencil,’ Announces Short Screenings and Auction
Acclaimed animation studio Titmouse, Inc. has unveiled the trailer for February’s installments...
Acclaimed animation studio Titmouse (The Venture Bros., Big Mouth) has launched a talk show style webseries about animation, announced during the tribute for studio...
Multi-platform media co. Shout! Factory and ELEVEN ARTS Anime Studio have inked a multi-year distribution agreement granting the former North American home entertainment rights...
Regina Hicks Inks Overall Deal with 20th Century Fox TV, Joins ‘Central Park’ Apple Animated Series as Co-Showrunner
Under her two-year deal, the comedy writer-producer...
The Problem of Gori in Netflix’s ‘Aggretsuko’
Nicole Adlman (Hello Giggles) reviews the new Japanese import about a tightly wound office worker/red panda with a...
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