While continuing to charm family audiences in theaters, Universal Pictures Home Entertainment today announced that the critically acclaimed DreamWorks Animation feature The Wild Robot will...
Breaking vase news: This month, Dan Harmon's (Rick and Morty, Community) ancient Greece comedy Krapopolis is returning to the FOX Animation Domination lineup for...
DreamWorks Animation today debuted a new trailer for The Wild Robot, the studio's upcoming adaptation of the No. 1 New York Times bestseller by Peter Brown....
FOX animation loves spending time in ancient Greece. Krapopolis, the Sunday night animated series has been greenlit for a fourth season by the network....
Amid the bustle of last week's Annecy Festival and MIFA market, French major Mediawan Kids & Family showcased it's massive slate of animated originals and...
DreamWorks Animation took the stage at the Annecy International Animation Film Festival to introduce the audience to its tender-hearted mechanical hero, The Wild Robot, coming...
DreamWorks Animation, which celebrates its 30th anniversary this year, today announced that it will preview never-seen footage from the studio’s breathtaking new film, The...
Warner Bros. Pictures Animation and Dr. Seuss Enterprises have locked in an all-star comedic cast for their upcoming feature film The Cat in the Hat, which...
DreamWorks Animation today released the official trailer for The Wild Robot, the upcoming feature film based on Peter Brown's No. 1 New York Times bestselling book. The movie...
The 1980s British sci-fi/action comic Rogue Trooper will be coming to screens in a new animated adaptation helmed by Duncan Jones (Moon, Warcraft). Original publisher...
FOX Entertainment Global (FEG), FOX Entertainment’s worldwide content sales division, today unveiled an expanded program slate for MIPCOM 2023, with the addition of unscripted...
When Pixar veteran Jim Capobianco was working on features such as Ratatouille, Monsters, Inc. and Finding Nemo, he spent his free hours developing a...
Prepare for a supercharged season of magic, mayhem and matricidal tendencies in Disenchantment Part 5 -- the 10 x 30' finale of the Matt Groening animated...
Blue Fox Entertainment today announced that moviegoers will have to wait just a bit longer to check out the stop-motion Leonardo da Vinci movie, The...
Netflix has released the new trailer and images for the fifth and final season of Matt Groening’s animated series Disenchantment. The streamer will premiere...
Blue Fox Entertainment has debuted the official trailer for The Inventor, the independent labor-of-love feature film that fancifully reimagines the life of the quintessential Renaissance...
FOX has brought its dysfunctional animated pantheon down from Olympus, debuting a brand-new trailer for Krapopolis today ahead of a special screening at San Diego...
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