Matt Groening, the mind behind record-setting animated sitcom The Simpsons and perennial favorite Futurama, is reportedly intent on coming back with a new original...
Almost two years since the passing of voice actor Marcia Wallace, who for over two decades provided the voice of sarcastic, lonely-heart teacher Edna...
The Simpsons' record setting run just got a little bit longer and a little more record-setting-er.
Fox has renewed the long running animated series for...
Sam Simon, the nine-time Emmy winning writer who helped make TV animation history by co-creating The Simpsons, has died of colorectal cancer at home...
Fox Television has signed a landmark deal which will bring Matt Groening's iconic animated series The Simpsons to China (officially) for the first time...
The city of Springfield, Oregon just outside the state capital of Eugene yesterday unveiled a massive mural inspired by The Simpsons 25th anniversary in...
Fox's FXX network will be celebrating the arrival of everyone's favorite yellow-hued family The Simpsons this summer with an epic marathon of all 552...
The Art of DreamWorks Animation by Ramin Zahed
In celebration of the studio's 20th anniversary, DreamWorks Animation and Abram Books have put together an unprecedented,...
The Writers Guild of America West will honor The Simpsons co-developer Sam Simon with its 2014 Valentine Davies Award in recognition of his humanitarian...
The Writers Guild of America has announced the nominations for outstanding achievement in television, new media, news, radio, promotional writing and graphic animation for...
Veteran television writer-producer Sam Simon, who co-developed Fox's long-running animated series The Simpsons and has been a writer, producer, and director on Taxi, Cheers,...
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