MTV Entertainment Studios announced today a new and expansive deal with co-creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone which includes extending South Park on Comedy...
Comedy Central is returning to cut-out animation Colorado with a new one-hour special event of the Emmy and Peabody Award-winning series "South ParQ." The...
WarnerMedia’s HBO Max is busily building up its animation slate, with more exciting announcements for both grown-up fans and kids & family audiences revealed...
Despite its recent troubles with China, Comedy Central's tentpole adult toon South Park has sparked a half-billion-dollar bidding war as it tests the waters...
Following a recent Season 23 episode of Comedy Central's South Park which aimed its stick firmly at Hollywood’s perceived creative acquiescence to the censors...
Matt Stone and Trey Parker’s long-running Comedy Central show South Park has never been afraid of courting controversy. This week, the popular animated show...
The 68th annual Creative Emmys were celebrated this weekend over two evening ceremonies Saturday and Sunday. Game of Thrones managed to dominate in nine...
Ottawa Animation Festival 40th Anniversary Look-Back: ‘Two Sisters’
Experimental animator Kelly Gallagher (Pen Up the Pigs) discusses the meaning and impact of Caroline Leaf’s award-winning...
Comedy Central is heading to San Diego Comic-Con with a slew of events schedule, including an all-out fan experience celebrating the 20th anniversary of...
Comedy Central has unveiled its fall programming slate of series and season premieres for its new and returning original series. Toon highlights include the...
Streaming service Hulu has scored another library-boosting deal with a multiyear exclusive agreement for the smash hit Comedy Central toon South Park. Hulu will...
The animated anthology festival Spike & Mike has launched a 20th Anniversary edition Kickstarter campaign to raise $15,000. The show will feature all-time favorite...
Comedy Central continues its search for more animated series. The Viacom-owned cabler has ordered a new pilot about a handsome, yet stupid private eye...
Twentieth Century Fox TV’s head of animation Jennifer Howell is leaving the studio to pursue other ventures, says Howell, whose contract ends in...
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