Illumination/Nintendo’s colorful, Easter egg-riddled video game adventure The Super Mario Bros. Movie continues to blast through box-office levels, attaining feats all the more impressive in the...
The intrepid plumber brothers are ready for their big screen restart in the new, fully-animated and eagerly (or for some, warily) anticipated new joint...
Plumbing the depths of gaming nostalgia in a candy-colored CG landscape, The Super Mario Bros. Movie is joyously sprinting toward a spring theatrical release...
Amid the flurry of live-action blockbuster trailers and tweetable commercials debuted during Sunday's Big Game, Universal dropped a delightfully retro-style promo for Illumination's fully-animated The...
"There's a huge universe out there, with a lot of galaxies. They're all counting on us...
...No pressure!"
That's how Princess Peach (voiced by Anya Taylor-Joy...
The biggest global animated franchise in history adds an all-new laugh-out-loud gru-vy movie in Illumination’s Minions: The Rise of Gru, available to own with over...
Shrek's swashbuckling Cat-anova will be milking a few more months out of his ninth life, with Universal Pictures pushing the release date for Puss in...
Something wonderful is coming down the pipes: Illumination and Nintendo’s new Super Mario Bros. animated film is officially heading to theaters in time for...
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