Nickelodeon, Paramount+ and The Pinkfong Company today released the official trailer and key art for Baby Shark's Big Movie, the first-ever feature-length original animated movie...
Acclaimed animated preschool series Mira, Royal Detective will culminate with four extended-length specials that celebrate Bollywood music and dancing, while also familiarizing young viewers...
Building upon the success of last year's animated movie musical event Barbie: Big City, Big Dreams, Netflix is launching the new Mattel animated series...
Emmy-nominated animated preschool series Fancy Nancy returns with all-new elegant episodes next month, in which young fans will see our high-spirited heroine achieve one...
This morning, ASIFA-Hollywood announced the nominations for its 48th Annual Annie Awards, recognizing the year’s best in the field of animation across 36 categories.
The wonderful talents behind Disney's hit Indian culture-inspired animated series Mira, Royal Detective have (virtually) come together to record a special video message for...
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