Visionary filmmaker Michel Gondry will be attending the Annecy International Animation Film Festival for the first time, honored as a special guest of the...
It's October, and all-things Halloween reign supreme across our screens this month! One charming trick-or-treat morsel is the new DreamWorks Animation series Mighty Monsterwheelies, which...
Seven years ago, writer-director Moshe Mahler became interested in using motion-capture technology to explore the world of Bill Shannon, a performance artist who was...
Autodesk returns to SIGGRAPH this year to unveil its latest advances in generative AI and cloud-enabled workflows to support the creative and production processes....
For the first time, global technology and software company Autodesk has teamed up with Disney and Lucasfilm to launch a month-long contest for people...
It’s been 24 years since Nickelodeon’s clever, bilingual heroine Dora the Explorer and her best monkey-pal Boots changed the preschool animation landscape forever. Created...
An “alphabet soup” of new technologies is coursing through college classes these days: AI, AR, XR and VR are affecting curricula in increasingly interesting...
Santiago Carrasquilla and Jos Diaz Contreras’ visually stunning new short Awakening: The First Day combines state-of-the-art 3D animation with finished hand-painted layer. The short,...
It’s hard to believe that the Student Academy Awards, the pinnacle of recognition for young filmmakers, is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. The...
Brisbane-based studio Fika Entertainment has produced over 260 hours of animated digital-first content, which includes Teletubbies Let’s Go! and two digital first series for...
The ancient art of weaving tales and the cutting edge of immersive technology unite in Jim Henson's The Storyteller: The Seven Ravens, a new augmented...
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