Today, Netflix confirmed a second season of the critically acclaimed animated series, Blue Eye Samurai, which was recently named by Vanity Fair as one of...
Whether it’s international content like Bong Joon-Ho’s Parasite and the inexhaustible popularity of anime or American productions such as Everything Everywhere All at Once...
Netflix this morning unveiled the official trailer for Blue Eye Samurai, the new adult animated epic that explores themes of identity, social stigma and vengeance...
Netflix has unsheathed a thrilling full-length trailer for its visually striking adult animated drama Blue Eye Samurai, which premieres November 3 on the streamer.
Created by...
LAIKA President & CEO Travis Knight today announced the voice cast for Wildwood, the Oscar-, BAFTA- and Golden Globe-winning animation studio’s next feature film. The...
Brad Graeber, co-founder, CEO & CCO of Powerhouse Animation (Castlevania, Seis Manos, Blood of Zeus) took to Twitter this weekend to reveal the studio's...
Another 10 episodes of bingeable mayhem is heading to Hulu, with Season 2 of original stop-motion adult comedy series Crossing Swords premiering December 10....
Netflix has ordered animated action series Blue Eye Samurai from Michael Green and Amber Noizumi, setting an impressive voice cast including Maya Erskine, George...
If you like your adult animated comedies with an adorable stop-motion twist, prepare yourself for the medieval, bloody and full-frontal antics of Hulu's new...
Hulu announced their 2020 Spring preview on Friday, which included two hotly anticipated adult-animated series. Solar Opposites will premiere May 8, with Crossing Swords...
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