The new animated feature Kensuke’s Kingdom is one of the many highly anticipated features making their debut at the Annecy Festival this month. Based...
After nearly a decade in development, E.D. Films’ ambitious, experimental animated short film Return to Hairy Hill (a.k.a. Retour à Hairy Hill) will make its debut...
Pixar Animation Studios today released version 25 of RenderMan, its award-winning technology for rendering animation and visual effects. The latest version features advanced denoising...
French studio TeamTO has launched another chart topper: an animated pop music docuseries racking up views on YouTube and France Televisions. Behind the Beats (26...
Recently, billion-dollar fantasy RPG strategy title RAID: Shadow Legends unveiled an expanded, animated universe which was about to unfold in the original animated series...
Prague-based creative pipeline software specialist Ynput (previously known as PYPE Club) has announced the early access release of AYON, an open-source pipeline platform to...
Flemish author Sylvia Vanden Heede’s charming children’s books have been lauded for their memorable forest friends (Fox, Hare and Owl) and the beautiful illustrations...
Amid the flight patterns of popular entertainment, fans have an insatiable appetite for dragons — whether they’re scaled or feathered, fire-belching or water-spouting, airborne...
For those privileged enough to engage with the experience, parenthood exists as the ultimate portal for reconnecting with one’s inner child. The energetic duo...
The talented team at AnimSchool Studios has delivered a great-looking pilot for their new CG-animated action-adventure series titled MechWest. The imaginative new show takes...
The dangers of jealousy and ambition are laid bare in the atmospheric, supernatural new mixed-technique animated short The Voice in the Hollow — a texturally rich...
***This article originally appeared in the January '23 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 326)***
Over the past decade, TV audiences in the U.K. have grown...
Imbalance today releases Ragdoll Dynamics 3.0, giving animators an easy way to automate character physics in Maya. Animators can now create believable, nuanced animation...
On Tuesday, November 29, CBS will premiere the new one-hour holiday animated special Reindeer in Here. Based on the award-winning Christmas book and plush...
Epic Games' Unreal Engine 5.1 is available today, building upon the groundbreaking feature set introduced in UE5 to enable even easier and faster 3D...
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