French prodco Ellipse Animation (The Adventures of Tintin, The Garfield Show, The Smurfs) has acquired a majority shareholding in Studio Campedelli. Founded in 2008...
Paramount Pictures today announced that Ramsey Naito will be leading its animation division as President, Animation & Development, Paramount Animation and Nickelodeon Animation. Mireille...
DNEG, a leading VFX and animation studio for feature film, television and multiplatform content, has appointed Kara Oropallo as Vice President, Training, Outreach and...
Animation production has begun on Akissi, a new 2D kids' TV special based on the international hit comic-book series by Marguerite Abouet and Mathieu...
Pan-European (Pan-Européenne), Maybe Movies and Media Participations, through its production companies Dargaud Media and Belvision, announce that they are co-developing two animated feature films...
Julien Papelier, Managing Director of the Audiovisual Unit of Média-Participations, has appointed kids' animation pro Caroline Audebert as Managing Director of the French production...
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