Ahead of MIPCOM, Mediatoon Distribution, French entertainment group Média-Participations, has expanded its diverse offering with two new TV specials and a feature film. With...
French studios Ellipsanime Productions and TimpelPictures are developing Under the School -- the first original animated series created by director Nicolas Bary (Little Spirou,...
Leading Paris-based animation sales and IP management company MEDIATOON Distribution has sold its joyful preschool series The Fox Badger Family, commissioned by France Televisions,...
French distributor Mediatoon Distribution has announced a spate of new international broadcasting sales for its 2D animated series Little Spirou (78 x 7). Additionally...
Software company Toon Boom Animation Inc. has announced that Dupuis Edition & Audiovisuel (France), Luxanimation (Luxembourg) and Aranéo (Belgium) have opted for a Toon...
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