Rescued from the perilous halls of abandoned animation projects by those shining knights at Netflix, the queer-coded fantasy-adventure feature Nimona will ride onto the streaming...
Annapurna, the entertainment company spanning film, TV, games, and theater, is establishing an Animation division co-led by former Disney animation executives Robert Baird and...
Prime Video today announced it has ordered Sausage Party: Foodtopia, based on the 2016 adult animated feature film, from Annapurna Television, Sony Pictures Television, Amazon...
DNEG Animation was excited to give a 'proper hello' to the animation world at this week's 2022 Annecy Festival.
Previously considered a start-up housed within...
Fantasy comics fanatics, rejoice! Netflix dropped the gauntlet today, declaring that an animated feature adaptation of Nimona is going ahead! The film is being...
LAIKA, the animation studio behind the Academy Award-nominated Kubo and the Two Strings, The Boxtrolls, ParaNorman, and Coraline, has announced its fifth film --...
Annapurna TV has announced it is developing a new adult-targeted, CG-animated series titled Amberville at Amazon Studios, for Amazon Prime Video. Created by Chris...
The Producers Guild of America has announced the live-action and animated motion picture nominations for the 28th Annual Producers Guild Awards, taking place Saturday,...
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