Crunchyroll announced today that Makoto Shinkai’s critically acclaimed latest animated feature Suzume will begin streaming exclusively on its service on November 16. The award-winning...
The ultra hip teen superheroes out of Paris are ready to bring their big screen adventure to screens everywhere, when Netflix premieres Miraculous: Ladybug &...
Crunchyroll today debuted a new trailer for acclaimed auteur filmmaker Makoto Shinkai’s (Weathering With You, Your Name.) highly-anticipated new animated feature, Suzume, featuring the recently...
Crunchyroll today announced the English-language dub cast for the critically acclaimed, box office hit new Makoto Shinkai animated feature Suzume, set to debut in theaters...
‘Miraculous’ Panel and Signing Happening at Comic-Con
Jeremy Zag, the producer of ZAG HEROEZ, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir, (Netflix) and founder of ZAG Animation, will provide a...
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