StudioCanal, in partnership with Mercis Media and Superprod Animation (Anna & Friends, Pat the Dog, Song of the Sea), announced plans to develop and...
Mercis has commissioned a third season of popular CG-animated series Miffy's Adventures Big and Small from London's Blue-Zoo animation studio. The 26-episode order will...
Telescreen Filmproducties' feature adaptation of Dick Burna's classic character Miffy the Movie is making its debut in the U.S.and Canada just in time for...
With MIP Junior and MIPCOM looming in Cannes, reports of sales of animated programs around the world are stacking up.
Here's the latest:
Genius Brands International...
Miffy, the most popular animated white rabbit from the Netherlands, is coming to the big screen in her first feature film.
Telescreen Filmproductions and Mercis,...
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