Adman turned animation hitmaker George Newall, one of the creators of the iconic educational cartoon Schoolhouse Rock!, died on November 30 at a hospital...
The end of an equine era is approaching, with the final eight episodes of Netflix’s Emmy-nominated animated dark comedy BoJack Horseman set to debut...
Netflix has unbridled a new spot for the highly anticipated return of Emmy-nominated animated black comedy BoJack Horseman. The genre redefining, critically acclaimed series...
The final list of bonus features for Shout! Factory’s BoJack Horseman Seasons One & Two set have been announced, offering fans an unbridled behind-the-scenes...
While an estimated 50 series in production for Netflix’s rapidly expanding slate of animated originals are unionized with The Animation Guild (IATSE Local 839),...
Stick your beaks in the first official look at upcoming Netflix original animated series Tuca & Bertie, which settles into its global streaming nest...
Shout! Factory and Michael Eisner’s The Tornante Company have announced a new strategic distribution alliance to bring BoJack Horseman to the home entertainment marketplace. This...
Netflix’s acclaimed animated sitcom star is getting ready to race around the world, thanks to Lionsgate’s distribution arm. The distributor is selling Tornante-produced BoJack...
Amazon Studios is getting its first half-hour animated series, having greenlit Undone for a planned 2019 Prime premiere in over 200 countries and territories....
Streaming titan Netflix continues to expand its original animation offerings with an order for a new series from the creative minds behind BoJack Horseman....
The reruns of Netflix’s award-winning adult animated series BoJack Horseman may be racing to cable TV soon. Variety reports that the rerun rights are...
Corus Entertainment's Nelvana announces that it has joined forces with Playmates Toys, Nickelodeon and The Topps Company to bring a wholly original girls' action...
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