Something Big (France) and Kavaleer Productions (Irealand) announce their co-production partnership for the animated series Bobby & the Bottle Brigade, which has been selected...
The Beeb Needs Total Drama
Kids entertainment specialist CAKE has announced a deal with the BBC for six seasons of Fresh TV’s award-winning animated Total...
***This article originally appeared in the October ‘19 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 293)***
It has been over 14 years since Moscow-based Aeroplane Productions began...
Animation fans will remember The Fixies as the charming little creatures that live inside our machines, appliances and devices, and help repair them when...
Moscow-based production and licensing company Aeroplane Productions ( announces the North American premiere of live stage show The Fixie Show: How Tom Thomas Became...
Italy-based trans-media entertainment company Atlantyca Entertainment has announced new sales for Russia's top toon series, The Fixies (104 x 6). The series has been...
Italian children’s entertainment producer and distributor Atlantyca recently signed a deal with Russian animation studio Aeroplane Productions to bring Russia’s top-rated animated series The...
Russian multi-platform studio Riki Group has named American animation veteran Michael Mennies as its new director of international development and production. Based at the...
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