The BBC and Magic Light Pictures ( have released a first look at their next Christmas animated adventure, Tabby McTat, a story set on...
Connoisseurs of quality, meticulously crafted animation are familiar with the wonderful, award-wining specials produced by U.K.-based Magic Light Pictures. Beginning with The Gruffalo in...
A delightful animated tradition continues this year as BAFTA-winning and Oscar-nominated producers Magic Light Pictures and U.K. broadcaster the BBC announce their latest Christmas...
Manchester Animation Festival (MAF), the U.K.’s largest animation festival, has revealed its program for 2022. Returning for its eighth year, the festival will offer...
Pip and Posy, the hit preschool series from multiple Oscar-nominated Magic Light Pictures, has been recommissioned for a second 52 x 7’ season to debut...
***This article originally appeared in the January '22 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 316)***
It wouldn’t be a proper holiday season without another charming animated...
Building on the success of Zog and the Flying Doctors, Magic Light Pictures, the multi-Oscar nominated company, is bringing Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler’s...
***This article originally appeared in the November '20 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 304)***
As many had predicted, the MIPCOM fall content market has now...
ViacomCBS and Sky announced their first co-production partnership on Wednesday, teaming up for preschool CG animated series Pip and Posy (52 x 7'). The...
Reservations Open for Pokémon Rooms at Apartment Hotel Mimaru
Available in five locations across Tokyo and Kyoto, the thoroughly Pokéfied rooms are available as of...
Multiple Oscar-nominated Magic Light Pictures (The Gruffalo, Room on the Broom, Revolting Rhymes, Chico & Rita) has announced the release of its latest acclaimed...
Multi-Oscar-nominated production company Magic Light Pictures (The Gruffalo, The Highway Rat, Revolting Rhymes) is continuing its tradition of providing animated holiday specials for the...
U.K.’s Oscar-nominated animation outfit Magic Light Pictures has announced pre-sales for its new half-hour animated special The Snail and the Whale to major broadcasters across Europe...
Oscar-nominated studio Magic Light Pictures (The Highway Rat, Revolting Rhymes, The Gruffalo) announces a raft of sales for its 2018 half-hour Christmas special Zog...
Multi-Oscar-nominated production company Magic Light Pictures has revealed that Sir Lenny Henry (Broadchurch, Pirates! Band of Misfits) will lead the voice cast for it’s...
The International Academy of Television Arts & Sciences revealed the winners of the 2018 International Emmy Kids Awards on Tuesday at a ceremony held...
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