The Annie Award-winning series Abominable and the Invisible City is returning to streaming screens this month when Season 2 (10 episodes) premieres on Hulu and Peacock...
DreamWorks Animation has defrosted the official series trailer, cast and premiere date for Abominable and the Invisible City. Inspired by the 2019 film Abominable, all...
CAPE (Coalition of Asian Pacifics in Entertainment), the leading film and television industry organization for Asian and Pacific Islanders, has found their inaugural class...
CAPE (Coalition of Asian Pacifics in Entertainment), the premier non-profit organization creating opportunities and driving success for Asian and Pacific Islanders in Hollywood for...
***This article originally appeared in the August '21 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 312)***
It’s summertime, and few can resist a whirlwind tour of Havana,...
DreamWorks Animation and Pearl Studio’s magical, action-packed family adventure Abominable is coming home just in time for the holidays. On Digital December 3, and...
The Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) presented SCADFILM’s third annual SCAD AnimationFest over the weekend. The festival brought together innovative talent and...
The Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) has announced SCADFILM’s third annual SCAD AnimationFest. The festival will bring together innovative talent and leading...
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment has debuted a brand-new trailer for Surf’s Up 2: Wavemania. The CG sequel to the Oscar-winning 2007 animated comedy is...
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