StudioCanal, in partnership with Mercis Media and Superprod Animation (Anna & Friends, Pat the Dog, Song of the Sea), announced plans to develop and...
Independent filmmaker Heather Parra (The Uprising, Hard 8, Cyborg X) is venturing into animation, releasing a trailer for the family fantasy adventure Talon. The 2D-animated...
U.K. preschoolers are set for more heart-warming adventures with their favorite coat-clad bear, as Paddington returns to screens in the brand-new CG-animated series The...
Global kids’ and family content/brands company DHX Media has reported its fourth quarter and year-end results for the period ended June 30, 2019. The...
After 19 years of creating and production multi-BAFTA-winning animated TV content for kids, Blue Zoo is bolstering its position as a world-class entertainment company...
Nickelodeon is unveiling a new content slate created for today’s kids who are multicultural, family-focused, and in control of their entertainment choices across platforms....
Dutch publisher and rights holder Mercis B.V. has allied with Chinese production company Beijing WD Pictures and Italy’s Orisa Produzioni to co-produce a live-action/CG...
Munich-based m4e AG is expanding its years-long cooperation with YouTube, which has brought more than 5,000 videos from m4e’s library to the platform which...
Dick Bruna, the Dutch children’s author and artist who created the internationally popular character Miffy the bunny, died Thursday, February 16 in his hometown...
Mercis has commissioned a third season of popular CG-animated series Miffy's Adventures Big and Small from London's Blue-Zoo animation studio. The 26-episode order will...
German brand management and media company m4e AG and Spanish-Italian entertainment company Planeta Junior S.L. (a joint venture between DeAgostini and Grupo Planeta) are...
Mercis BV, worldwide rights owner for the classic preschool property Miffy, has announced it will partner with award-winning animation studio Blue-Zoo for a brand...
Miffy and Friends, the charming stop-motion animated preschool series based on children's writer/illustrator Dick Bruna's globally popular books, has found a new outlet as...
Miffy, the most popular animated white rabbit from the Netherlands, is coming to the big screen in her first feature film.
Telescreen Filmproductions and Mercis,...
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