TV animation writer and WGAW Animation Writers Caucus Chair Craig Miller (The Smurfs, Curious George, Pocket Dragon Adventures) will receive the Writers Guild of...
The Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) presented SCADFILM’s third annual SCAD AnimationFest over the weekend. The festival brought together innovative talent and...
The Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) has announced SCADFILM’s third annual SCAD AnimationFest. The festival will bring together innovative talent and leading...
Late comic book co-creator of Marvel’s Wolverine and DC’s Swamp Thing and animation writer Len Wein will receive the Writers Guild of America West’s...
Veteran television writer-producer Sam Simon, who co-developed Fox's long-running animated series The Simpsons and has been a writer, producer, and director on Taxi, Cheers,...
Former The Simpsons writer/executive producer Mike Reiss is working on a new animated holiday special for NBC. The Hollywood Reporter says the network is...
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