Animation and children’s TV executive Michael Carrington has announced his retirement after decades of trailblazing work. His career spanned decades of exec producing award-winning...
Zodiak Kids announces the launch of two multi-brand YouTube Channels for kids and preschool audiences: ZeeKay and ZeeKay Junior. ZeeKay Junior comes to the...
+ Zodiak Kids has struck an agreement--in partnership with Australian agent The Fusion Agency--for live events for its preschool brands Tickety Toc and Mister...
+ Copyright Promotions Licensing Group (CPLG), a DHX Media subsidiary, has appointed Pau Pascual to the newly created position of General Manager-Iberia. CPLG is...
Zodiak Kids, the children's production/distribution arm of Zodiak Media, has finalized a number of deals in the Central and Eastern Europe territory, totally over...
Paris-based animation studio Télé Images Productions (part of Zodiak Kids) has secured presale deals for its new animated series Secret Ranch with TF1, Teletoon...
Zodiak Media Group is consolidating all of its children's production and distribution companies into one entity, to be called Zodiak Kids, according to World...
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