Miyu Productions (France) is joining forces with Modern Magic — the new Los Angeles animation studio set up by Oscar-winning writer-director-producer Rodney Rothman (Spider-Man:...
The World Festival of Animated Film – Animafest Zagreb 2022, celebrating the Croatian celebration's 50th anniversary, came to a close Saturday evening with the...
World Festival of Animated Film - Animafest Zagreb 2022 has revealed the official election in the Grand Competition - Feature Film category. This year's...
In the shadow of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the international collaborative animated short Mila has been enlisted by anti-war efforts in Europe, returning to...
Mediawan Rights has picked up international rights to the animated documentary feature Flavors of Iraq (Le Parfum d'Irak), produced by French animation shingle Miyu...
The hitmaker Japanese studio behind anime TV franchises Doraemon and Crayon Shin-chan, Shin-Ei Animation, is joining forces with Miyu Productions (France) to co-produce the...
Annecy 2021 today announces its Work in Progress (WIP) projects, including nine of the world's most inspiring feature films heading to screens in the...
Apple TV+ Partners with Malala Yousafzai
The groundbreaking young Nobel laureate and women's rights activist has entered a multiyear programming deal with streamer, which will...
One of the most exciting aspects of France’s Cartoon Movie pitching and co-pro event (cartoon-media.eu), which takes place online March 9-11 this year, is...
After reviewing a record 860-plus submitted films from 85 countries around the world, World Festival of Animated Film - Animafest Zagreb has revealed the...
France’s Miyu Productions has signed on as a producer on traditionally animated 2D feature film Chicken for Linda!, the new project from filmmaking power...
The 30th Cartoon Forum will be held in Toulouse, France from September 16-19. The European animation co-production event will provide a platform for 85...
**This article originally appeared in the March '19 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 288)***
The logistics at Cartoon Movie make it impossible to catch all...
The 2019 VOID International Animation Film Festival (voidfilmfestival.com), held in Copenhagen from January 24 to February 2, wrapped up Saturday with an awards ceremony....
Sunao Katabuchi's In This Corner of the World won the Jury Award for feature films at the 2017 Annecy International Animation Festival. The Audience...
The winners of the special prizes have been announced at the Annecy International Animation Festival.
Festivals Connexion Award: Nothing Happens, by Uri Kranot, Michelle Kranot....
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