A lawsuit has been filed against Disney over claims that Walt Disney Animation Studios lifted elements of another project pitch to create Moana and the...
Animation had a boffo international box office weekend, with the fully-animated Disney pic Moana 2 on track to pass $1 billion this week. The seafaring...
With a five-day domestic debut of $221 million, Walt Disney Animation Studios’ Moana 2 is sailing beyond box office records, including the biggest five-day...
Despite sailing into its release on choppy waves of critical reviews, the hotly anticipated sequel Moana 2 has already made a major splash going into...
On Wednesday, November 27, Disney will put its latest highly-anticipated animated sequel out onto the cinema seas with Moana 2, which charts a new course...
“Beyond,” the end credit track from the highly anticipated Walt Disney Animation Studios’ film and Disney Music Group Original Motion Picture Soundtrack, Moana 2,...
Fans have turned out on Fandango to show their eager anticipation for Disney's seafaring sequel Moana 2, charting a course to theatrical release on November...
The live-action version of Disney's Moana is sailing ahead, with new cast announcements aboard. The stars announced today join Dwayne Johnson, who will reprise his role...
Another Disney alum is joining the ranks of creatives working with Skydance Animation (Luck, Blush), established in 2017 and headed by former Pixar chief...
Closing out CinemaCon, the 100-year-old Walt Disney Studios put on a presentation spotlighting highly anticipated titles from its animation and film brands. Anchoring the...
Ahead of CinemaCon next week, The Walt Disney Studios have announced several major franchise feature releases for 2026. The entertainment giant's full upcoming film...
Disney today shared a new still from its upcoming CG-animated feature sequel Moana 2, featuring the titular seafaring heroine. The Walt Disney Animation Studios production...
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