Fans have turned out on Fandango to show their eager anticipation for Disney's seafaring sequel Moana 2, charting a course to theatrical release on November...
The 2024 World Animation Summit, the leading West Coast event for staying current with the latest trends and technologies in animation, has announced a...
For this year's ever-inspiring Annecy International Animated Film Festival, Walt Disney Animation Studios, Pixar Animation Studios and Disney Branded Television will unveil a handpicked selection...
Closing out CinemaCon, the 100-year-old Walt Disney Studios put on a presentation spotlighting highly anticipated titles from its animation and film brands. Anchoring the...
Disney today shared a new still from its upcoming CG-animated feature sequel Moana 2, featuring the titular seafaring heroine. The Walt Disney Animation Studios production...
With Wednesday's reveal of the first-look and theatrical debut date for Disney's Moana 2 (November 27), CEO Bob Iger refrained from confirming whether the stars...
The Walt Disney Company Chief Executive Officer Bob Iger announced today that Moana 2, Disney Animation’s new feature-length sequel to 2016’s Oscar-nominated film, will be released in...
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