L’Alliance New York announces the winter program for 2025 including the Animation First Festival, part two of the popular film series, The Ballad of Patrick...
Janus Films has released the official trailer for a 4K restoration of the 1982 animated sci-fi classic, The Time Masters, aka Time Masters or Les Maîtres du...
***This article was written for the December '21 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 315)***
Best known for his meticulously designed and art directed features, director...
Animation lovers from around the world attending France's esteemed Annecy Festival got an insider's look at a very American project this morning, as Netflix...
***This interview, updated Dec. 11, originally ran in the November ‘19 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 294)***
Animation enthusiasts and critics alike have been buzzing...
'Rick and Morty'-esque Animation Will Make You Appreciate Your Morning Routine
Joseph Bennett and Charles Huettner's bizarre and beautiful sci-fi short Scavengers centers on two...
Rio 2096, Brazil's entry in the Best Animated Feature Oscar race, explores the country's history and the transcendence of love through animation.
Singing animals and...
GKIDS brings Jung's autobiographical live-action/animated documentary to the City of Angels.
Documentaries—good ones, anyway—tend to fall on either side of a wide-arcing pendulum swing. The...
Universal Pictures Germany has acquired home video and VOD rights to French sci-fi TV series Metal Hurlant Chronicles. According to Variety, the deal which...
Forget about Thanskgiving! For all of us toon fans, the most-anticipated event of November has to be Burbank’s fantastic CTN Animation Expo. For the...
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