In celebration of Pokémon Day, Netflix today announced Pokémon Concierge, its first collaborative production with The Pokémon Company and an ambitious stop-motion project produced...
After three busy days of pitching sessions, introductions and reconnections, Cartoon Forum 2022 wrapped another successful edition last week showcasing a slew of high-quality,...
***This article originally appeared in the Sept./Oct. '22 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 323), distributed at Cartoon Forum***
Among the many charming animated shows debuting...
APC Kids, the children's entertainment division of leading co-production and distribution company APC Studios, is bolstering its production slate through its studio Zephyr Animation...
The 25th annual Palm Springs International ShortFest will showcase 369 films including 60 World Premieres, 25 International Premieres, 46 North American Premieres, 17 U.S....
Oscar-qualifying New York International Children’s Film Festival has announced the complete short film lineup for its 2019 event, which runs February 22-March 17 at...
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